2021, №3

сс. 4-18

Conformational Analysis of Mefenamic Acid in SC-CO2–DMSO 2D NOESY Method

2021, №3

сс. 4-18


K.V. Belov, L.A.E. Batista De Carvalho, A.A. Dyshin, M.G. Kiselev, V.V. Sobornova, I.A. Khodov

Key words: high-pressure NMR, SC-CO2, mefenamic acid, 2D NOESY, small molecules, spatial structure

The spatial structure of mefenamic acid molecule was investigated by the 2D NOESY in
SC-CO2 with DMSO (25% and 10 %). The results will be used to determine the optimal
parameters of state for the micronization processing by GAS technique.