2022, №4

сс. 32-43

Conformational analysis of flufenamicт acid in SC-CO2 by 2D NOES

2022, №4

сс. 32-43


K.V. Belov, A.A. Dyshin, M.A. Krestyaninov, V.V. Sobornova, I.A. Khodov, M.G. Kiselev

Key words: supercritical fluid, flufenamic acid, phenamates, conformers, 2D NOESY

The results showed possibilities of nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) for conformational analysis of fenamates molecules (e.g. flufenamic acid). It has been established that the proportions of conformer groups were changed up to 32 % upon transition from a system with pure DMSO to a solvent based on SC-CO2 with the addition of 2 mol. % DMSO. The results of the study can be applied to control the conformational equilibrium of small drug-like molecules using supercritical fluids for slightly soluble compounds. This information is a high potential useful for fenamates micronization by the RESS, SAS, and DELOS methods.

doi: 10.34984/SCFTP.2022.17.4.003