2006, №1

сс. 77-88

Formation of Porous Structures in Polymers using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide

2006, №1

сс. 77-88


L.N. Nikitin, A.Yu. Nikolaev, E.E. Said-Galiyev, A.I. Gamzazade, A.R. Khokhlov

Key words: supercritical carbon dioxide, polystyrene, chitosane, co-solvent, porous structure

Processes of porous structure formation in polystyrene  and aminopolysaccharide – chitosane – during supercritical carbon dioxide  (SC-CO2) desorption are investigated. The effect of exposition parameters in  SC-CO2 and desorption rates after exposition onto pore size in polystyrene is  studied. It is demonstrated that variations of experimental conditions lead to  the formation of porous structures with different morphology. Unlike polystyrene,  porous structures in chitosane can be formed only if co-solvents are added to  SC-CO2.