2021, №2

сс. 11-23

Sub- and Supercritical Extraction with Ethanol for Fruit Body Mushroom Fomes fomentarius

2021, №2

сс. 11-23


O.S. Brovko, A.D. Ivakhnov, T.A. Boitsova, D.V. Zhiltsov

Key words: sub — and supercritical fluid extraction, ethanol, tinder mushroom, Fomes fomentarius, polyphenols, antiradical activity

The process of sub- and supercritical fluid extraction with ethanol of the fruiting body
biomass of the tinder fungus F. fomentarius was studied. The evaluation of the extraction
conditions (temperature, pressure and duration) for the yield of the solid extract, phenolic
compounds and steroids was carried out. It was found that sub- and supercritical extraction
was more efficient in comparison with traditional methods of biologically active substances
isolation (maceration and percolation). The yield of the solid extract reaches 43 wt.%.
The content of phenolic compounds in the extract was up to 50 wt. %. It was shown that
the extracts have high antiradical activity (up to 350 μmol trolox-equiv/g). The positive
correlation between the antiradical activity of the extracts and the content of phenolic
compounds in them was established.
