2021, №3

сс. 91-104

Micronization of Adipic Acid via Supercritical Antisolvent Precipitation

2021, №3

сс. 91-104


Y.I. Zuev, A.M. Vorobei, A.V. Gavrikov, O.O. Parenago

Key words: supercritical antisolvent preci pitation, crystallization, morphology

The effect of the solvent and the concentration of the micronized substance in the
solution on the size and morphology of adipic acid particles preci pitated by supercritical
antisolvent preci pitation (SAS) is investigated. An increase of the concentration of the
micronized substance in the solution leads to a decrease in the particle size of adi pic acid,
as well as a narrowing of the particle size distribution. Depending on the solvent used and
the concentration of adi pic acid in the solution, it is possible to produce particles of
various morphologies ranging in size from tens to hundreds of microns via SAS.