2012, №2

сс. 12-18

Comparative sensitivity of the Raman and IR absorption spectra to hydrogen bonding in methanol

2012, №2

сс. 12-18


Yu.E. Gorbaty, G.V. Bondarenko

Key words: IR absorption, Raman scattering, hydrogen bonding, methanol

The sensitivity of IR and Raman spectra to the hydrogen bonding in methanol is quantitatively characterized using the factor of comparative sensitivity K, which can be expressed as a ratio of the values of intensities (Ib/Inb)IR/(Ib/Inb)RS for IR absorption and Raman scattering (b and nb indexes are attributed to H-bonded and non-bonded components, respectively). It was found that the value of K ≈20 for methanol is equal to the one calculated for n-butanol, although the change in the degree of hydrogen bonding in both cases was obtained using different approaches. It is shown that in some cases Raman spectra can be transformed into IR absorption spectra, and vise versa. It is important for the understanding of the difference in the shape of OH-valence vibration bands obtained using these two techniques.
