2019, №1

сс. 94-107

Single-Stage Formation of Film Polymer Composites in the Environment of Supercretical Colloidal Solutions of Nanoparticles Obtained by Laser Ablation

2019, №1

сс. 94-107


S.I. Tsypina, E.O. Epifanov, A.G. Shubny, V.G. Arakcheev, N.V. Minaev, A.O. Rybaltovskii

Key words: supercritical carbon dioxide, nanocolloid, bimetallic nanoparticles, porous polymers, film nanocomposites

We present a review of previous studies, as well as new results on the creation of highly
concentrated colloidal solutions with nanoparticles of noble metals (gold and silver)
in the medium of supercritical carbon dioxide and the development of a single-stage
method for the production of polymer nanocomposites. The effect of the density of
supercritical carbon dioxide on the dynamics of the formation and decomposition of
supercritical fluids of silver and gold nanocolloids in the process of pulsed laser
ablation and after its termination has been studied. The possibility of obtaining colloids
of bimetallic nanoparticles is considered. Using the method of numerical simulation of
the extinction spectra in the dipole approximation, we calculated the effective dielectric
constant of a colloidal solution of Ag nanoparticles in supercritical CO2 at various
densities, taking into account the size and degree of asphericity of the nanoparticles.
The processes of formation in one SCF reactor and in a single technological process of
various film nanocomposites are considered: based on a porous polytetrafluoroethylene
copolymer - vinylidene fluoride with ruby glass nanoparticles and on the basis of two
modifications of pure porous polytetrafluoroethylene with silver nanoparticles.
