2013, №1

сс. 87-97

Heat transfer under supercritical parameters of pulse heated liquid

2013, №1

сс. 87-97


S.B. Rutin, P.V. Skripov

Key words: supercritical fluids, pulse heating, heat transfer

A technique based on pulse heating of the wire probe (resistance thermometer) in the constant heating power mode is developed and applied for the studies of comparative heat transfer intensity in supercritical fluids (SCF) in the pressure and temperature ranges from 1рс to (4—6) рс and from 0,6Tс to 1,6Tс, respectively (рс and Tс — critical pressure and temperature). Characteristic parameters of the setup used are as follows: heating pulse length — 1—10 ms; density of the heat flux through the probe surface — 1—10 MW/m2; repeatability of the selected power value in a series of pulses — not worse than 0,1 %. A sharp decrease in the heat transfer intensity in SCF compared to that observed at subcritical temperatures is revealed.
